She sat there, on the corner of the street... her sign requesting help facing the passers-
by but she didn't turn to meet them.   Perhaps she couldn't bear their unmet gaze,
perhaps she was ashamed at what her life has become, or perhaps she has grown

Welcome Back


The title screen just flashed "Welcome Back" and I have to smile a little, the corners
of my mouth are turning up.  I speak to keys at my fingers, "Hello old friends, 
maybe I remember how to do this. "My last post was in 2018, March to be exact and I



Details, I love details, 
I love how things come together 


Each year,  for many years now,  I have intentionally taken a word  (or a verse) and
made it mine for the season, or for a year,  My first word was real, I 
longed for realness in my life.  I longed  for messy friendships that would  last  a 

From The Inside out

Real Intentional words

Encouragement, Inspiration

My heart desired to be obedient to the Word of God, desired a different response to
circumstances rather than explosive out of control responses that had plagued me my
whole life.

finding nacham

Real Intentional words


Years ago a wonderful friend told me I should write.  She encouraged me to share
authenticity and compassion; she encouraged me to use my writing voice and make a
difference.  What I turned into my very first blog post was an email I sent to some

How you play the game

family, identity, teaching and training up

     I was sitting on the sidelines, game three of flag-football playoffs when I heard one of the coaches say,